I facilitate community grief rituals, men’s work, and more.

  • Oak savannah and grasslands in Sonoma County, CA


    The body’s wisdom is profound but stress, anxiety, societal pressure and trauma can create disconnection from our most authentic selves. Somatic sessions can help reweave our connection to our full selves. Rooted, resourced and attuned to the present moment .

  • Heart Leaf


    Building relationship with the land we live on as part of our bodies and an extension of home. Working through somatic practices, solo sits, ritual, divination, wild tending, and ancestral skills .


I facilitate one-on-one sessions and group work with adults and youth. Through deep listening, tracking of the interior and exterior terrain and somatic integration, we collaborate in bringing your full presence to your life and showing up in your most authentic form.

Through our work together we may explore:

  • Practicing compassion for self and others

  • Changing stress/trauma based reactions and behaviors

  • Slowing down

  • Connecting to ancestral resilience, ancestral healing

  • Ritual tending of the land, spirits and ancestors

  • Creating healthy boundaries and relationships

  • Becoming more aware of appropriate use of power and privilege

  • Experiencing joy and curiosity

  • Expanding beyond binary thinking

  • Increasing capacity to hold difficult emotions

  • Learning to request and accept support from community, friends and family

  • Grief and loss

  • Co-liberation and solidarity

  • Regenerative practices for maintaining a long term commitment to personal and collective transformation


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I was recently featured in Sonoma Magazine’s feature on “Sonoma’s Great Outdoors: 5 Activities to Try This Summer.” You can read the entire feature by clicking on the button below.



707 975 5125
