SOMATIC Sessions

Survival Mode is supposed to be a phase that helps save your Life

It is not meant to be how you live


What an amazing gift to be alive in this world, to be able to feel and experience all the beauty around us. We are inherently connected to the sun rising each morning and the chorus of birds and sprouts unfurling to greet the first light. We naturally know how to be in a state of wonder and awe, taking in the magnificence of the world around us.

Yet the pressures of the modern world- stress, over-stimulation, hyper-vigilance, ecocide, oppressive power structures, pandemics, and other traumas- can create ruptures and disconnection with the world around us. Patterns of distress and trauma in our nervous systems can make us feel alone, insecure, disconnected, and unable to sit with the more challenging emotions in our lives. These same patterns can cause physical symptoms and illnesses as well as breaks in the webs of our social relations.

More than ever in these transitional times we need each other to bring forth our gifts. Collaborative work through somatic practices increases our resilience and capacity to navigate the complex emotions of living in these times by helping us slow down to listen to the wisdom of our bodies and the natural world around us. We can reclaim a connection to our hearts, a natural care for our relationships, and an embodied connection to the natural world. We can awaken our courage to engage with ourselves, our relationships, and our role in bringing the shifts that are necessary for ourselves and our world.

Services I Offer-

  • Somatic Counseling and Trauma Resolution

  • Grief Work

Somatic Counseling and Trauma Resolution- Somatic Experiencing (SE) method is a method for resolving trauma symptoms and relieving chronic stress. I am an SEP Somatic Experiencing Practitioner certified from Somatic Experience International.

How it works- Through a collaborative process we tune into tracking sensations, emotions, images, and movement impulses, supporting a container for the body to unwind old impulses and traumatic responses. Curiosity is our guide in letting the body feel fully supported to complete cycles, discharge, and release old patterns.

Before I became an Somatic practitioner I worked with Somatic practitioners for many years and have felt its deep life changing effects on my own life. I am excited to share the depth of these practices, tools, and techniques with you, in order to support your own growth and healing.

Grief Work- I offer sessions focused on supporting grieving processes and letting you get in touch with how grief is an expression of love for what has been lost. I also lead grief rituals in the lineage of Sonbonfu Somé, Malidoma Somé and Martin Prechtel with permission and ongoing relationship with the lineages and communities that they are supported by. Event Page

Sessions- I offer individually tailored sessions based on your needs and goals. You can schedule a free phone consultation with me to explore options. I’ve also answered some common questions about Somatic sessions farther down the page.

Schedule a free initial consultation.

Fill out the form to the right and I’ll get back to you within 3 business days.


Common questions about Somatic Sessions


what does a typical session like?

Somatic Experiencing is a practice for the body to integrate and retrain survival and stress based reactions that are no longer serving your well being. The Somatic Experiencing method does not require a re-telling or re-living of traumatic events, although sometimes we will go into the content around or during the event so that your system can feel some activation. From this place, SE offers the opportunity to engage, complete, and resolve, in a slow and supported way, the body’s instinctual fight, flight, and freeze responses. The Somatic Experience approach releases traumatic shock, which is key to transforming anxiety induced behavioral patterns, PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma.

Appointments can happen in person or online.

WHAT can Somatic sessions help Treat?

  • ongoing stress and anxiety patterns of disconnection and distress.

  • developmental traumas such as childhood neglect and abuse, ongoing medical and/or physical issues.

  • shock traumas such as motor vehicle accidents, assaults, operations, and falls.

  • somatic psychobiological trauma resolution works with all ages of individuals who have experienced shock or developmental trauma.


  • anxiety, phobias, excessive thinking/worrying, and panic attacks

  • depression, quick mood swings, feeling stuck or lethargic, chronic fatigue

  • sleep disturbance, digestion problems, difficulty making decisions

  • isolating or avoidance behaviors, shyness, shame

  • attraction to extreme sports, dangerous situations

  • being extra sensitive to sound, light, touch, or transitions

  • emotional triggers, chronic physical illness, startle response, feeling jumpy, social anxiety, outbursts, or addictive behavior


  • Feeling calmer, safer, and more supported in the world

  • A felt sense of internal resource, clarity, and general ease in the body

  • Less anxiety, irritability, frustration, anger, or other emotional triggers

  • More stress resilience — the ability of the nervous system to regulate in situations that in the past may have caused a fight, flight, or freeze response.

  • Improved sleep

  • More comfort with social engagement — improvement in the quality of relationships

  • An overall experience of being more PRESENT.


The length of time and number of sessions will depend on several factors, including the severity and duration of the trauma(s) and the degree to which the trauma has affected the nervous system. It will also depend on your personal health and wellness goals. We will be in dialogue about this in our initial consultation session and will assess our progress throughout our time working together.


If you would like to work together give me a call or send me a message using the form below and we can set up a 30-minute free consultation or set up a regular session time.

Call me:
(707) 975-5125

Or message me: